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For US$ 24.99/year- Avoid placarding infractions, speed up HAZMAT inspections. Customized and discounted for LANDSTAR drivers with Safety placarding. Validate Bill of Landings at each pick-up. Recalculate placarding as loads are added and removed from the truck. Identify HRCQ loads and ensure proper permits are available. Application complies with 49 CFR - includes segregation, and SP 23 - Toxic By Inhalation. All transactions are archived for 3 years or the validity of the licence whichever comes first. 24/7 second opinion support available via a toll free number. ERG included for easy access when needed. Hauling HAZMAT is profitable, DGMobi - helps truckers maximize their bottom line. Please refer to licensing terms and conditions. Hauling HAZMAT requires the user to have a valid HAZMAT training certificate. Customized builds for organizations are available. Please contact us for special packaging and volume pricing. On the fly interface language change in English, Spanish and French.